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Our Treatments
What should you expect during your first consultation?

Our practitioners will primarily assess you visually. From your walking posture, physical characteristics, skin and eye colors, we will be able to diagnosis common symptoms including bad postures, stiff joints, indigestion, metabolism, insomnia etc.

We will need to know more about your medical history, onset of illness, previous treatments, medications as well as family medical history. Documents such as X-Ray images, medical reports will be useful for our diagnosis.

To better assess your current condition, It is also important to share with the practitioner your lifestyle, eating habits, daily schedule including sleep/waking up timings, sleep quality, work description etc.

Our no-medicine, no-surgery promise

We utilise a treatment procedure that was derived from studying traditional Chinese manuals. Instead of relying on external assistance such as oral medications, topical ointments and surgery procedures, we believe in making use of our body's self healing capabilities.

With our special procedure, we will be able to kickstart your body's healing capabilities within one session. Obtain a brighter skin tone, experience a better night's sleep and feel refreshed every morning.

We offer a free no-obligation first consultation at all our clinics. Visit us now!